Thursday, April 29, 2021

Lums personal statement examples

Lums personal statement examples

lums personal statement examples

personal statement. LUMS uses a holistic approach so excellent credentials won't guarantee an admission but significantly increase your example, I have seen people get rejected with more than in sat scores and accepted with as low as (law school) what sort of personal statement is good for lums? Close. 4. Posted by 12 days ago. what sort of personal statement is good for lums? 6 comments. share. save hide report. Read few personal statements from web then combine all of them in mind and write your own personal statement also write 1 quote at least and 2 at max Evaluating Personal Statement Examples For Lums examples of book reviews: the detailed examination of the actual review found on a professional critical approach Read more Everyone on our professional essay writing team is an expert in academic research and Personal Statement Examples For Lums in APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard citation formats

what sort of personal statement is good for lums? : LUMS

maximum characters 1 The management came to a decision that the BDO Business Development Officers were not selling sufficient BlackBerries.

I was given the duty of increasing the BDOs BlackBerry Sales. After some fact finding I discovered the following barriers to the sale of BlackBerries: i. Lack of product knowledge.

BDOs did not know about what BlackBerries had to offer; hence they lacked confidence. Lack of focus due to priority given to post-paid targets. This needed to be adjusted so that BlackBerry sales had equal priority. Lack of focus due to some BDOs selling second hand sets instead of new Mobilink sets. Sales of the second handsets needed to be stopped.

Discouragement due to the abuse of Corporate Discounts issued to clients. Certain Corporate Clients were flooding the individual market. With sets issued to them on the discount. Lums personal statement examples the BDOs sell only to individuals they were losing out, lums personal statement examples. I resolved each barrier by the following actions: i. Training the BDOs in groups of ten. Got the Team Leads and Management to give equal priority to BlackBerry sales as to post-paid sales, lums personal statement examples.

Implemented a second hand set sales ban. Getting the BDOs to report any abuse of Corporate discounts. Companies were warned of losing their discount and the practice was brought under control.

Then I began the process of monitoring, follow up and providing incentives to the BDOs. I took the following actions in conjunction with the management: i. Club Zero: Non-performers were then highlighted in front of the whole team and management. By the end of four months the BDO sales had nearly tripled and the management was very satisfied with the progress I had made.

Every group had exactly the same assignment. Our turn to present was at the last session of the semester. We detected that the audience was growing weary of hearing the same lums personal statement examples again and again.

I had an idea to turn the presentation in to a staged courtroom styled debate. The titled of which was Should the United Kingdom lums personal statement examples the Euro as its currency?

By that we would be able to capture the audiences attention and fulfil the objectives required. I then proceeded by assigning stand points for everyone. There was a Pro Euro lawyer, an Anti Euro layer, an Economic analyst, a Political analyst and a judge. The audience was to be the jury. The analysts were to be used as witnesses for the lawyers, lums personal statement examples. We tirelessly studied the topics for over a week we came together and wrote a script for the staged debate, lums personal statement examples.

The problem we were to face was that we had gotten so submerged that we began to believe that our own standpoint was the correct one. We each began by sticking to the script but we were too attached to our standpoints and what ensued was a real debate.

Each lawyer was fighting his own corner with utmost ferocity, lums personal statement examples, using the analysts to prove their point.

Although we strayed from the script we kept the whole presentation professional. We achieved all we had planned to do. Instead of marking us down for what might have seemed like an unorganized approach, we got a standing lums personal statement examples from all that were present. We got the only A in the entire year. I would on a weekly basis collect all the feedback and needs of the student body and then put them forward to the Departments head.

The concern for all the students were: i. Separate computer room from the undergraduate students. Quiet study areas required. Relevant Study material required in the library. By raising these issues repeatedly, all of them were resolved. My tenure was a successful one with no complaints from any students.

Give reasons for joining the organization you are currently employed with and a brief description of your responsibilities in your current position. Also elaborate on your professional growth, mentioning any significant.

contribution you have made to your organization. If your current employment is less than three months and you have been employed previously for longer than that, please write about the longer experience.

maximum characters In April a position of Technical Support Engineer TSE became available at Mobilink. The most obvious of reasons for joining Mobilink was to get my foot in the door of the largest Mobile telecommunication provider in Pakistan.

But my reasons for taking the position go further than that. The TSE role gave me chance to interact with the corporate consumers as well. Initially the role was to liaise between the Enterprise Solutions ES Lums personal statement examples clientele and our technical teams, lums personal statement examples. The goal was to boost BlackBerry sales by acting as a bridge between the corporate world and the technical one. Mobilink needed somebody who could understand both.

After a few months due to the developing economic crisis this country is still going through. My role had drastically changed.

Large corporations were not interested in investing in Mobile software solutions beyond the already existent native applications available on the BlackBerry handsets. Lums personal statement examples then lums personal statement examples catered for the smooth running of BlackBerry sales from a technical perspective. My visits to the corporate world did not decrease but instead increased.

I would typically accompany a Corporate Account Manager CAM on visits to his clients and answer any technical queries regarding BlackBerry that cropped up during the sales proposal process. In addition I would also make follow up visits to ensure that the BlackBerry solution the client had purchased was running smoothly.

Our department also has a high number of individual BlackBerry clients. It was my responsibility to ensure a smooth handover from their previous mobile set and their newly purchased BlackBerry handset. As my role expanded further I began to write comparisons between the handsets as well as promotional material for the sales staff.

In addition I wrote and presented presentations to entice corporate clients into purchasing the BlackBerry solution. My focus also went on to include freely available applications to download. I created documentation to promote the usage lums personal statement examples these applications to help ease the sale process as well as trained the ES team on these applications. My role expanded even further with the advent of the BlackBerry Device Operating System v5.

I was given the task of also upgrading first the whole departments device software then also for the corporate clients. I was then put in charge of training the ES staff on all matters related to BlackBerry. When the BDO see achievements sales figures began to drop the management gave me the responsibility of boosting their sales figures. I trained, counselled, and removed their anxieties about selling BlackBerries. I also lums personal statement examples them.

The management got the results they wanted. As a result of the progress I made, I was put in charge of Nationwide BlackBerry Training. Once again the management was pleasantly surprised with the results these training sessions achieved. I was then given the task of writing Beginners guide to BlackBerries this was done in presentation format. And was circulated to all ES Regional Managers throughout Mobilink. Lums personal statement examples was also given sensitive material to investigate instances of fraud concerning BlackBerry discounts.

When recently Marketing launched online registration for discounted sets for individuals. I was given the task of sorting, distributing and retrieving feedback of every lead generated. For this I developed a system to for lead distribution and retrieval. I also made sure the system would only allow the Regional Managers to input feedback from dropdown lists to ensure that the feedback was suitable for tabulation.

I also created a shared space for the ES staff which contains Corporate Proposal templates, a BlackBerry Handset document containing all the models Mobilink offers and the above mentioned Blackberry for Beginners presentation for training, lums personal statement examples. How will you benefit from it?

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personal statement : LUMS

lums personal statement examples

19/10/ · If you’re applying to college, you’ll most likely need to write a personal statement as part of your college application. But before diving into analyzing some great personal statement examples, it helps to get some context on what a personal statement actually is, and what writers should plan to include when writing their own personal statement Evaluating Personal Statement Examples For Lums examples of book reviews: the detailed examination of the actual review found on a professional critical approach Read more Everyone on our professional essay writing team is an expert in academic research and Personal Statement Examples For Lums in APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard citation formats Disclaimer: All the research and custom writing services provided by the Company have limited use as stated in the Terms and Conditions. The customer ordering the services is Lums Personal Statement Questions not in any way authorized to reproduce or copy both a completed paper (essay, term paper, research paper coursework, dissertation, others) or specific parts of it without proper referencing

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