24/4/ · In this portfolio, I shall reflect on number of intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies relevant for my professional performance. Reflective learning is an important element of effective performance as research (Brockbank & Mcgill, ) has demonstrated that reflective style of learning leads to improvement in a variety of dimensions This portfolio not only shows everyone how I have progressed as a writer, but it also shows what I have learned about myself as a writer. It contains not only my best works, but also my mistakes, and through the work in here I am able to see the mistakes that I commonly make while writing such as over-generalizing things and writing about something before I completely understand it myself “Portfolio Reflection Essay” The importance of writing a reflective essay is to reflect on my past writings and to show that I have applied the learning outcomes in my writing. Throughout this essay, I will address my own interpretations of each learning outcome and how I have achieved each outcome in my portfolio
Portfolio Reflection Essay – Jennifer's UWP 1 Portfolio
The importance of writing a reflective essay is to reflect on my past writings and to show that I have applied the learning outcomes in my writing, portfolio reflection essay. Throughout this essay, I will address my own interpretations of each learning outcome and how I have achieved each outcome in my portfolio.
The learning outcomes that will be discussed include rhetorical knowledge, processes, convention, research, and metacognition. I think the term rhetorical knowledge is about showing the audience the purpose of your own writing. Rhetorical knowledge also refers to the different genres and modes that are appropriate for the type of format that is utilized like print, visual, portfolio reflection essay, voice, or video. I think out of all the learning outcomes, this would be the outcome that I struggled with the most in terms of conveying the main purpose to the audience.
For the literacy history project, I chose to write a narrative instead of an inventory because I wanted to write more about my personal experiences. I have always written a narrative about my own life experiences on paper by typing it out, but I have never composed a narrative in a different mode like a comic strip.
I found it difficult to choose between the mode of print and visual because a part of me wanted to keep the same genre that I was comfortable with.
The comic strip example by Lynda Barry made me more aware of the expectations of a visual narrative because it included a lot of writings and drawings in the comic strip. After getting peer feedback in class, portfolio reflection essay, I looked portfolio reflection essay my comic strip from a different perspective and distanced myself from my own work for a couple of days. I decided to make a few changes like darkening the title and rewriting some of my sentences to make it look clearer for the reader, portfolio reflection essay.
For my reader to understand the purpose of my narrative, I had to make certain words look clearer for them to be able to read my work. Getting peer feedback made me more aware of my audience and helped me better understand the needs of my audience. Through the literacy narrative, I was able to understand the importance portfolio reflection essay effectively conveying the purpose to my audience.
Another learning outcome used in class includes the process of writing, portfolio reflection essay, reading, conducting a research, and giving feedback.
I would like to focus more on the process of giving feedback because it was something that I learned in this class. I remember doing a reading response that talked about giving feedback to a peer portfolio reflection essay finding out that a majority of the class did not portfolio reflection essay giving feedback, portfolio reflection essay. After I looked at the responses from my classmates through writing the reading analysis paper, I did not feel alone and decided to use the workshops as an opportunity to help my peer.
My experience with feedback changed the view I had about the process of giving peer feedback. In the future, I would like to continue with the mindset of helping my peers through the feedback that I give them. An important strategy that I want to utilize includes giving feedback on what I need as a reader or sentences that I was confused about which helps let the writer understand that you are supporting them. I portfolio reflection essay I understood the word convention when we had to state two sentences that showed us what a genre meant from the article by Kerry Dirk.
In my opinion, I think genres and conventions go well together because there are certain rules that are applied in writing that portfolio reflection essay it easier for the reader to understand your writing, portfolio reflection essay. I never enjoyed grammar rules, but as I worked through the discourse community project, I got a chance to understand the importance of conventions.
A more organized structure makes it easier for the reader to read through and understand the purpose of the paper in a long research paper, portfolio reflection essay. The learning outcome of convention is also about the formality of a paper due to the rules that were applied from a previous work. I initially thought all papers were supposed to be formal because we are in school to write formal academic papers.
I was very surprised when I had the option to choose how formal I wanted the literacy history project to be. I decided to use both formal and less formal sentences because that is the convention I have seen in most comic strips. I showed mastery of the research learning outcome by conducting a research and writing a research paper for the discourse community project.
Research is about portfolio reflection essay data and applying it to your main question to analyze it with your own or previous findings. Secondary research includes research from reliable sources like peer-reviewed journals, portfolio reflection essay, articles, definition of terms, etc. After finding out more information about the discourse community through secondary research, I had to write interview questions as a form of primary research. If I had more time with the discourse research paper, I would have looked more into the types of acceptable secondary research that could be included in my research paper.
Conducting the primary research was very straightforward, but finding secondary research that could help support my analysis made it very hard for me to find. In the future, I hope to utilize my skills in writing this discourse community paper to future research papers because I plan to do research in the future.
I think the discourse community project will prepare me by helping me understand the amount of time needed to conduct research, find secondary research, portfolio reflection essay, and writing a research paper, portfolio reflection essay.
I think metacognition means to look back at previous work and understand the thought process behind my own work. The cover memos that I wrote for the literacy history project and discourse community project shows my process of writing or creating my work. For the literacy history project cover memo, I wrote about how long it took me to draw the comic strip and the time in which it took me to complete it. Writing about the process of composing a narrative or a research paper made me reflect on how much time I spent looking over my own work, portfolio reflection essay.
I think the time spent and the vision I had shows through my literacy history project because Portfolio reflection essay made it a point to convey some emotion portfolio reflection essay the symbolism of my comic strip. Some details that I used to show or convey a certain emotion includes the idea of drawing the panels differently to express an emotion while the narrative inside the panels told the story from a more direct approach, portfolio reflection essay.
Looking back at the amount of time it took for me to complete my comic strip made me realize the risk I took in using a different mode I was initially uncomfortable with in a narrative.
I think adding tables and giving a visual helped me portray my vision to my audience in the research paper and narrative. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To portfolio reflection essay out more, portfolio reflection essay, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy.
Reflective Essay Example
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“Portfolio Reflection Essay” The importance of writing a reflective essay is to reflect on my past writings and to show that I have applied the learning outcomes in my writing. Throughout this essay, I will address my own interpretations of each learning outcome and how I have achieved each outcome in my portfolio This portfolio not only shows everyone how I have progressed as a writer, but it also shows what I have learned about myself as a writer. It contains not only my best works, but also my mistakes, and through the work in here I am able to see the mistakes that I commonly make while writing such as over-generalizing things and writing about something before I completely understand it myself 24/4/ · In this portfolio, I shall reflect on number of intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies relevant for my professional performance. Reflective learning is an important element of effective performance as research (Brockbank & Mcgill, ) has demonstrated that reflective style of learning leads to improvement in a variety of dimensions
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