Reflecting upon role play activity experience is an essential ability for all experts to grow better administration and communication skills, disagreement decision and improve future execution. To think back on the play that was directed as group work a week ago has permitted taking an interest understudies to pick up administration and negotiation skill client system role play reflection and analysis 6 A critique of what your colleague did well in the video you selecte d and an explanation of areas in which your colleague might improve their approach and why This reflective essay will try and develop an understanding of the experiences and theory that has been applied to a counselling roleplay and applied content over the duration of the module. Furthermore, identifying what has been covered and what has not been covered in the roleplay, its strengths, weaknesses, what needs developing and how it can help as counsellors within the field
Reflective Essay On Role Play - Words | Bartleby
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Client System Role Play Reflection and Analy sis, role play reflection paper. Social work entails lots of activities that are embedded in the performance of social. workers based on ethics, codes of conduct, and the essence of effective communication that. would improve the client situation. At all cost, social workers should focus on core va lues such. as integrity, values, human relationships, service, and social justice.
Base d on the attached role, it. is evident that the experience is idea ll y overwhelming, especially handling the emotions of a.
client who entirely depend on the service of the social worker. There is always the anxiety when. the client opens up through self-disclosure mechanisms to tell the story about their challenges. and sometimes crying Parrott, I realized that it needs lots of strengths and the ability to. relate well with the clients to achieve the ultimate results. The core perspective is the conce pt of. communication and empathy, which form the basis upon which the successful social wor k is.
As role play reflection paper social worker, there is need to embrace active listening and communicate role play reflection paper. empathetic manner to encourage the clients to tell more of the ir stories. Explanation of Role play reflection paper Insights Gained From the Experience.
At most, the role playing exercise provided an opportunity to understand the dynamics of. how social work operates in most of the instances. Throug h the experience, the learners. expectations, being empathetic, and communication effective as well as offering active listening. In this regard, the experience enhanced the a bility to learn about the required integrity standards. Furthermore, there is. need to manage the emotions of the clients as was witnessed when Role play reflection paper was literally crying.
and opening up on her family troubles, role play reflection paper, which has spoilt the relationship with the mother and. Her story is touching and it needs a strong personality of the social worker to contain the. emotions and work out on the ideal plans to secure the required outcomes Hepwor th et al.
Therefore, the social workers, from the experience in the client role-play, should focus on. the management of the client moods and emotional states, which is ideally, what they need to. Another insight gained from the experience is the essence of empathy and active. Throughout the play, the emotional state of the client was high and she kept crying out. for help. To make the client talk more, there was the essence of active listening through nodding.
of the head and enhanced non-verbal communication. Throug h the non-verbal commun ication. such as gestures, facial expression, movement of the head and hands, and others, the client get. the essence that the social worker is sharing the challenges. The non-verbal communication also. serves to reduce the communication and other stratification gaps such as age, role play reflection paper, race, color.
experience, role play reflection paper, and others Healy, This means the client would not fear engaging is self. disclosure and would always work hard towards the achievement of se t goals and objectives of. the session. Through active listening and being empathetic, the relationship gap is reduced, and. the level of trustworthiness is established through the appreciation of human relationship. Managing the expectation of the clients also require the social workers to always try to be.
warm and nice and not judge the clients based on their issues. Throughout the role-play, the. social worker engaged the client in positive communication, role play reflection paper, talking less and giving her the room. to explain her situation. This is meant to motivate the client to talk more and offer the insi ghts of. her story. Another insight is that the social workers are not there to solve the problems, but to. assist the clients in making the right decisions Turner, In any case, the decision relies on.
the ability of the client to stand strong and value the insights of what needs to be done to salvage. their circumstance. Therefore, social workers should not engage in making decision, judging the.
clients, or disrupting them while taking. They should crea te a favorable condit ion through being. warm, empathetic, and have active listening skills that reduce the distance between the two. During the planning and execution of the play, there are series of challenges that I. experienced, which include try ing to be perfect and missing any instructions.
This resulted into. nervousness while conducting the vide o and role play reflection paper eventual outcome, which is ideally responsible. for the role play reflection paper. Trying to be perfect ofte n results into nervousness, which is unhealthy during. the conducting of social work. Alternatively, I have challenges managing my own emotions.
especially when the client was crying during the execution of the role-playing process Turner. Therefore, it is important that the social workers stay objective to the cause of their. activities and not engage distractions. Assembling of the equipment, rehearsal, and other aspects. of the role-playing were integral in making the process successful, hence the need to have ample.
time in planning and executing the role-play process. Executing the video also required the essence of being very for mal and professional. which is relatively a new concept for me, bearing that I have not been exposed to effective. communication, official dress code, and acting within the professional limits. There wa s also the. general nervousness in facing the clients, especially with their emotions riding high, which called.
for the need to enhance the presentation skills and ability to demonstrate to the client that their. circumstances are indeed managea ble Hepworth et al. Management of emotions and the, role play reflection paper. presentability through professionalism is indeed a challenging task to the social workers, whose.
activities and actions are limited to the need to construct human relationship with their clients to. the extent that they do not feel left behind or are undergoing interviews.
How to write a reflective journal (Counselling \u0026 Psychotherapy)
, time: 7:34
Reflecting upon role play activity experience is an essential ability for all experts to grow better administration and communication skills, disagreement decision and improve future execution. To think back on the play that was directed as group work a week ago has permitted taking an interest understudies to pick up administration and negotiation skill client system role play reflection and analysis 6 A critique of what your colleague did well in the video you selecte d and an explanation of areas in which your colleague might improve their approach and why The aim of this assignment is to write a self-critique based on a role play, and reflect critically upon my strengths and limitations, that relates to the theory and knowledge regarding the use of communication and interpersonal skills, and how and when to build rapport, empathy, listening and active listening communications within a role-play
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